Motivation #

Recently, I implemented Two-phase Segmented Heap Dump for JVM.

During the heapdump, Java application must pause execution and wait for the VM to complete heapdump before resuming. this is a well-known pain. JDK-8252842 have added parallel support to heapdump in an attempt to alleviate this pain. However, in that patch, all concurrent threads competitively write heap data to the same heap file, and more memory is required to maintain the concurrent buffer queue and related stuff. In experiments, we did not feel a significant performance improvement from that.

The minor-pause solution, which is presented in this article, is a two-phase segmented heap dump:

  • Phase one(STW): Concurrent threads directly write data to segmented heap files. This process must take place during STW, which is guaranteed by safepoint. (Application is paused)
  • Phase two(Non STW): Multiple heap files are merged into a complete heap dump file. STW is not needed for this phase. (Application is resumed)

Now concurrent worker threads are not required to maintain a buffer queue, which would result in more memory overhead, nor do they need to compete for locks. In this way, it significantly reduces 71~83% application pause time.

The changes in the overall design are as follows:

Figure1. Before

Figure2. After

Performance evaluation #

Memory NumThread Compress Phase 1 STW Phase 2 Merge Total
8g 1 T N 15.612 0 15.612
8g 32 T N 2.561725 11.936275 14.498
8g 32 T C1 2.3084878 11.8895122 14.198
8g 32 T C2 10.9355128 10.9464872 21.882
8g 96 T N 2.6790452 11.3329548 14.012
8g 96 T C1 2.3044796 1.2845204 3.589
8g 96 T C2 9.7585151 10.4604849 20.219
16g 1 T N 26.278 0 26.278
16g 32 T N 5.231374 21.185626 26.417
16g 32 T C1 5.6946983 0.8433017 6.538
16g 32 T C2 21.8211105 19.3118895 41.133
16g 96 T N 6.2445556 20.8964444 27.141
16g 96 T C1 4.6007096 1.6582904 6.259
16g 96 T C2 19.2965783 19.7104217 39.007
32g 1 T N 48.149 0 48.149
32g 32 T N 10.7734677 50.8695323 61.643
32g 32 T C1 10.1642097 0.7387903 10.903
32g 32 T C2 43.8407607 44.3112393 88.152
32g 96 T N 13.1522042 48.2797958 61.432
32g 96 T C1 9.0954641 0.7895359 9.885
32g 96 T C2 38.9900931 41.5839069 80.574
64g 1 T N 100.583 0 100.583
64g 32 T N 20.9233744 113.7776256 134.701
64g 32 T C1 18.5023784 0.8556216 19.358
64g 32 T C2 86.4748377 86.2321623 172.707
64g 96 T N 26.7374116 99.3425884 126.08
64g 96 T C1 16.8101551 1.1278449 17.938
64g 96 T C2 80.1626621 88.8403379 169.003
128g 1 T N 233.843 0 233.843
128g 32 T N 72.9945768 134.0654232 207.06
128g 32 T C1 36.399436 0.605564 37.005
128g 32 T C2 172.8942958 221.1317042 394.026
128g 96 T N 67.6815929 268.6634071 336.345
128g 96 T C1 35.2457306 0.9842694 36.23
128g 96 T C2 162.2924705 235.0995295 397.392

Table1. heap dump generation(full)

Memory NumThread Phase 1 STW Phase 2 Merge Total
8g 1 T 15.612 0 15.612
8g 32 T 2.561725 11.936275 14.498
8g 96 T 2.6790452 11.3329548 14.012
16g 1 T 26.278 0 26.278
16g 32 T 5.231374 21.185626 26.417
16g 96 T 6.2445556 20.8964444 27.141
32g 1 T 48.149 0 48.149
32g 32 T 10.7734677 50.8695323 61.643
32g 96 T 13.1522042 48.2797958 61.432
64g 1 T 100.583 0 100.583
64g 32 T 20.9233744 113.7776256 134.701
64g 96 T 26.7374116 99.3425884 126.08
128g 1 T 233.843 0 233.843
128g 32 T 72.9945768 134.0654232 207.06
128g 96 T 67.6815929 268.6634071 336.345

Table2. heap dump generation(w/o compression)

N.B. all compression benchmark data are based on -gz=9, i.e. strongest compression

  • N means no compression
  • C1 means all objects are byte[] in heap and they are all empty
  • C2 means all objects are byte[] in heap and they are full of random data
  • For parallel dump, Total = Phase 1 STW + Phase 2 Merge.
  • For serial dump, Total = Phase 1 STW


Figure3. heap dump generation(full)


Figure4. heap dump generation(w/o compression)

When compression is enabled, STW/Total time heavily depends on the sparseness of the application heap. If the heap is full of compressible objects(e.g. all objects are empty byte array), Total ≈ STW, merge process is incredibly fast. If the heap data is not suitable for compression(e.g. all objects are full of random data), the STW reduction is not appealing, the total dump time is also increased.

User Perspective #

When executing commands such as jmap or jcmd GC.heap_dump to initiate the heapdump, the VM intelligently selects an appropriate number of parallel threads based on various factors. These factors include the type of garbage collector in use, the number of processors available, the heap size, and the degree of fragmentation. By considering these factors, the VM strives to perform the heapdump in parallel whenever feasible.

In cases where parallel heapdump is not possible due to certain constraints, the VM gracefully falls back to using a single thread for the heapdump process. In such scenarios, the heapdump behavior remains consistent with the previous approach. To gain more insights into the heapdump process, the -Xlog:heapdump option can be utilized to observe and analyze the details of the heapdump.

Conclusion #

Overall, the introduction of the two-phase approach effectively reduces the application pause time during the heapdump process, it is important to note that the total time required for the heapdump itself may slightly increase. However, considering the reduction of STW time, I think it is an acceptable trade-off. This optimization solely focuses on minimizing the impact on the application pause time, there is still room for optimization in the second merge phase.