Recently, I proposed Loop Invariant Code Motion(LICM) in Golang.

1. Loop Invariant Code Motion #

The main idea behind LICM is to move loop invariant values outside of the loop so that they are only executed once, instead of being repeatedly executed with each iteration of the loop. In the context of LICM, if a loop invariant can be speculatively executed, then it can be freely hoisted to the loop entry. However, if it cannot be speculatively executed, there is still a chance that it can be hoisted outside the loop under a few prerequisites:

  • #1 Instruction is guaranteed to execute unconditionally
  • #2 Instruction does not access memory locations that may alias with other memory operations inside the loop

For #1, this is guaranteed by loop rotation, where the loop is guaranteed to execute at least once after rotation. But that’s not the whole story. If the instruction is guarded by a conditional expression (e.g., loading from a memory address usually guarded by an IsInBound check), in this case, we try to hoist it only if the loop invariant dominates all loop exits, which implies that it will be executed unconditionally as soon as it enters the loop. For #2, we rely on a simple but efficient type-based alias analysis to know whether two memory access instructions may access the same memory location.

2. Type-based Alias Analysis #

Type-based Alias Analysis(TBAA) is described in Amer Diwan, Kathryn S. McKinley, J. Eliot B. Moss: Type-Based Alias Analysis. PLDI 1998 TBAA relies on the fact that Golang is a type-safe language, i.e. different pointer types cannot be converted to each other in Golang. Under assumption, TBAA attempts to identify whether two pointers may point to same memory based on their type and value semantics. They can be summarized as follows rules:

  #0 unsafe pointer may aliases with anything even if their types are different
  #1 a must aliases with b if a==b
  #2 a.f aliases with b.g if f==g and a aliases with b
  #3 a.f aliases with *b if they have same types
  #4 a[i] aliases with *b if they have same types
  #5 a.f never aliases with b[i]
  #6 a[i] aliases with b[j] if a==b
  #7 a aliases with b if they have same types

3. Loop Close SSA Form #

Loop closed SSA form(LCSSA) is a special form of SSA form, which is used to simplify loop optimization. It ensures that all values defined inside the loop are only used within loop. The transformation looks up loop uses outside the loop and inserts the appropriate “proxy phi” at the loop exit, after which the outside of the loop does not use the loop def directly but the proxy phi.

   loop header:                         loop header:
   v3 = Phi(0, v4)                      v3 = Phi(0, v4)
   If cond->loop latch,loop exit        If cond->loop latch,loop exit

   loop latch:                          loop latch:
   v4 = Add(v3, 1)                =>    v4 = Add(v3, 1)
   Plain->loop header                   Plain->loop header

   loop exit:                           loop exit:
   v5 = Add(5, v3)                      v6 = Phi(v3)  <= Proxy Phi
   Ret v18                              v5 = Add(5, v6)
                                        Ret v18

Previously, v5 used v3 directly, where v5 is in the loop exit which is outside the loop. After LCSSA transformation, v5 uses v6, which in turn uses v3. Here, v6 is the proxy phi. In the context of LCSSA, we can consider the use block of v6 to be the loop header rather than the loop exit. This way, all values defined in the loop are loop “closed”, i.e. only used within the loop.

Any further changes to the loop definition only need to update the proxy phi, rather than iterating through all its uses and handling properties such as This significantly simplifies implementation of Loop Rotation

4. Loop Rotation #

4.1 CFG transformation #

Loop rotation, also known as loop inversion, it transforms while/for loop to do-while style loop, e.g.

// Before
for i := 0; i < cnt; i++ {

// After
if 0 < cnt {
  i := 0
  do {
  } while(i < cnt)

The original natural loop is in form of below IR

         │  ┌───loop latch
         ▼  ▼       ▲
    loop header     │
         │  │       │
         │  └──►loop body
     loop exit

In the terminology, loop entry dominates the entire loop, loop header contains the loop conditional test, loop body refers to the code that is repeated, loop latch contains the backedge to loop header, for simple loops, the loop body is equal to loop latch, and loop exit refers to the block that dominated by the entire loop.

We move the conditional test from loop header to loop latch, incoming backedge argument of conditional test should be updated as well otherwise we would lose one update. Also note that any other uses of moved values should be updated because moved Values now live in loop latch and may no longer dominates their uses. At this point, loop latch determines whether loop continues or exits based on rotated test.

    loop header◄──┐
        │         │
        │         │
        ▼         │
    loop body     │
        │         │
        │         │
        ▼         │
    loop latch────┘
    loop exit

Now loop header and loop body are executed unconditionally, this may changes program semantics while original program executes them only if test is okay. A so-called loop guard is inserted to ensure loop is executed at least once.

   ┌──loop guard
   │      │
   │      │
   │      ▼
   │  loop header◄──┐
   │      │         │
   │      │         │
   │      ▼         │
   │  loop body     │
   │      │         │
   │      │         │
   │      ▼         │
   │  loop latch────┘
   │      │
   │      │
   │      ▼
   └─►loop exit

Loop header no longer dominates entire loop, loop guard dominates it instead. If Values defined in the loop were used outside loop, all these uses should be replaced by a new Phi node at loop exit which merges control flow from loop header and loop guard. Based on Loop Closed SSA Form, these Phis have already been created. All we need to do is simply reset their operands to accurately reflect the fact that loop exit is a merge point now.

One of the main purposes of Loop Rotation is to assist other optimizations such as LICM. They may require that the rotated loop has a proper while safe block to place new Values, an optional loop land block is hereby created to give these optimizations a chance to keep them from being homeless.

    ┌──loop guard
    │      │
    │      │
    │      ▼
    |  loop land <= safe land to place Values
    │      │
    │      │
    │      ▼
    │  loop header◄──┐
    │      │         │
    │      │         │
    │      ▼         │
    │  loop body     │
    │      │         │
    │      │         │
    │      ▼         │
    │  loop latch────┘
    │      │
    │      │
    │      ▼
    └─► loop exit

The detailed loop rotation algorithm is summarized as following steps

  1. Transform the loop to Loop Closed SSA Form 1.1 All uses of loop defined Values will be replaced by uses of proxy phis
  2. Check whether loop can apply loop rotate 2.1 Loop must be a natural loop and have a single exit and so on..
  3. Rotate loop conditional test and rewire loop edges 3.1. Rewire loop header to loop body unconditionally. 3.2 Rewire loop latch to header and exit based on new conditional test. 3.3 Create new loop guard block and rewire loop entry to loop guard. 3.4 Clone conditional test from loop header to loop guard. 3.5 Rewire loop guard to original loop header and loop exit
  4. Reconcile broken data dependency after CFG transformation 4.1 Move conditional test from loop header to loop latch 4.2 Update uses of moved Values because these defs no longer dominates uses after they were moved to loop latch 4.3 Add corresponding argument for phis at loop exits since new edge from loop guard to loop exit had been created 4.4 Update proxy phi to use the loop phi’s incoming argument which comes from loop latch since loop latch may terminate the loop now

Some gory details in data dependencies after CFG transformation that deviate from intuition need to be taken into account. This has led to a more complex loop rotation implementation, making it less intuitive.

4.2 Fix Data Dependencies #

The most challenging part of Loop Rotation is the update of data dependencies (refer to steps 3 and 4 of the algorithm).

Update conditional test operands #

In original while/for loop, a critical edge is inserted at the end of each iteration, Phi values are updated. All subsequent uses of Phi rely on updated values. However, when converted to a do-while loop, Phi nodes may be used at the end of each iteration before they are updated. Therefore, we need to replace all subsequent uses of Phi with use of Phi parameter. This way, it is equivalent to using updated values of Phi values. Here is a simple example:

Normal case, if v2 uses v1 phi, and the backedge operand v4 of v1 phi is located in the loop latch block, we only need to modify the usage of v1 by v2 to the usage of v4. This prevents loss of updates, and the dominance relationship will not be broken even after v2 is moved to the loop latch.

 loop header:
 v1 = phi(0, v4)
 v2 = v1 + 1
 If v2 < 3 -> loop body, loop exit

 loop latch:
 v4 = const 512

 loop header:
 v1 = phi(0, v4)

 loop latch:
 v4 = const 512
 v2 = v4 + 1
 If v2 < 3 -> loop header, loop exit

After updating uses of val, we may create yet another cyclic dependency, i.e.

 loop header:
 v1 = phi(0, v4)
 v2 = v1 + 1
 If v2 < 3 -> loop body, loop exit

 loop latch:
 v4 = v2 + 1

After updating iarg of val to newUse, it becomes

 loop header:
 v1 = phi(0, v4)

 loop latch:
 v2 = v4 + 1   ;;; cyclic dependency
 v4 = v2 + 1
 If v2 < 3 -> loop header, loop exit

This is similiar to below case, and it would be properly handled by updateMovedUses. For now, we just skip it to avoid infinite recursion.

If there is a value v1 in the loop header that is used to define a v2 phi in the same basic block, and this v2 phi is used in turn to use the value v1, there is a cyclic dependencies, i.e.

loop header:
v1 = phi(0, v2)
v2 = v1 + 1
If v2 < 3 -> loop body, loop exit

In this case, we need to first convert the v1 phi into its normal form, where its back edge parameter uses the value defined in the loop latch.

loop header:
v1 = phi(0, v3)
v2 = v1 + 1
If v2 < 3 -> loop body, loop exit

loop latch:
v3 = Copy v2

After this, the strange v1 phi is treated in the same way as other phis. After moving the conditional test to the loop latch, the relevant parameters will also be updated, i.e., v2 will use v3 instead of v1 phi:

loop header:
v1 = phi(0, v3)

loop latch:
v3 = Copy v2
v2 = v3 + 1
If v2 < 3 -> loop header, loop exit

Finally, since v3 is use of v2, after moving v2 to the loop latch, updateMovedUses will update these uses and insert a new v4 Phi.

loop header:
v1 = phi(0, v3)
v4 = phi(v2', v2)    ;;; v2' lives in loop guard

loop latch:
v3 = Copy v4
v2 = v3 + 1
If v2 < 3 -> loop header, loop exit

Update uses of moved Values because these defs no longer dominates uses after they were moved to loop latch #

If the loop conditional test is “trivial”, we will move the chain of this conditional test values to the loop latch, after that, they may not dominate the in-loop uses anymore:

  loop header
  v1 = phi(0, ...)
  v2 = v1 + 1
  If v2 < 3 ...

  loop body:
  v4 = v2 - 1

So we need to create a new phi v5 at the loop header to merge the control flow from the loop guard to the loop header and the loop latch to the loop header and use this phi to replace the in-loop use v4. e.g.

  loop header:
  v1 = phi(0, ...)
  v5 = phi(v2', v2)     ;;; v2' lives in loop guard

  loop body:
  v4 = v5 - 1

  loop latch:
  v2 = v1 + 1
  If v2 < 3 ...

Add corresponding argument for phis at loop exits since new edge from loop guard to loop exit had been created #

Loop header no longer dominates loop exit, a new edge from loop guard to loop exit is created, this is not reflected in proxy phis in loop exits, i.e. these proxy phis miss one argument that comes from loop guard, we need to reconcile the divergence

                              loop guard
loop exit               loop exit  /
    |          =>            |    /
v1=phi(v1)              v1=phi(v1 v1') <= add missing g2e argument v1'

Since LCSSA ensures that all loop uses are closed, i.e. any out-of-loop uses are replaced by proxy phis in loop exit, we only need to add missing argument v1’ to v1 proxy phi

Update proxy phi to use the loop phi’s incoming argument which comes from loop latch since loop latch may terminate the loop now #

Loop latch now terminates the loop. If proxy phi uses the loop phi that lives in loop header, it should be replaced by using the loop phi’s incoming argument which comes from loop latch instead, this avoids losing one update.

  loop header:
  v1 = phi(0, v4)

  loop latch:
  v4 = v1 + 1

  loop exit
  v3 = phi(v1, ...)

  loop header:
  v1 = phi(0, v4)

  loop latch:
  v4 = v1 + 1

  loop exit
  v3 = phi(v4, ...)  ;; use v4 instead of v1

5. Bug Fix #

The loop exit created by BlockJumpTable will not be discovered by findExits().


The current loop exits are only b23 and b43, but the expected ones should include b10 and b13.

6. Performance Regression #

6.1 block layout #

In original block layout algorithm, regardless of whether successors of the current basic block have likely attribute, the layout algorithm would place each successor right after the current basic block one by one. The improved algorithm employs a greedy approach, aiming to allocate the basic blocks of a “trace” together as much as possible, in order to minimize excessive jumps. i.e. For given IR:

BlockIf -> b2 b3 (likely)



The final block orders are as follows:

b1 b2 b3 b4

b1 b2 b4 b3

6.2 register allocation #

After loop rotation, there are some significant performance regression. Taking the strconv.Atoi benchmark as an example, the performance deteriorates by about 30%. In the following example:

;; baseline
00025  JMP 30
00026  LEAQ (BX)(BX*4), R8
00028  INCQ AX
00029  LEAQ (DI)(R8*2), BX
00030  CMPQ AX, SI
00031  JGE 38
00032  MOVBLZX (DX)(AX*1), DI
00033  ADDL $-48, DI
00034  CMPB DI, $9
00035  JLS 26

;; opt
00027  JMP 29
00028  MOVQ R8, AX
00029  MOVBLZX (DX)(AX*1), DI
00030  ADDL $-48, DI
00031  CMPB DI, $9
00032  JHI 40
00033  LEAQ 1(AX), R8
00034  LEAQ (BX)(BX*4), BX
00036  LEAQ (DI)(BX*2), BX
00037  CMPQ SI, R8
00038  JGT 28
00039  JMP 43

In the code generated by the baseline, the loop includes 10 instructions [26-35], whereas the optimized code contains 11 instructions [28-38]. This is because the baseline’s loop increment instruction i++ produced incq ax, while the optimized code generated is:

00028  MOVQ R8, AX
00033  LEAQ 1(AX), R8

The culprit is empty basic block created during the split critical edge after rotation, which affects the logic of register allocation;


During the register allocation process, for the instruction v82 = ADDQconst <int> [1] v59, the register allocator checks if v59 is in the next basic block and examines the expected register for v59. For example, if v59 is in the next basic block and its expected register is R8, then the register allocator would also allocate the R8 register for v82 = ADDQconst <int> [1] v59, because the input and result are in the same register, allowing the production of incq. However, after loop rotation, the next basic block for v82 is the newly inserted empty basic block from the split critical edge, preventing the register allocator from knowing the expected register for v59, so v82 and v59 end up being allocated to different registers, R8 and RAX, resulting in an extra mov instruction. The proposed fix is to skip empty basic block and directly check the next non-empty basic block for the expected register.